Tuesday, November 1, 2011

9 weeks Update

Wow!  The 1st 9 weeks has flown by.  The kids are doing a fantastic job in the computer lab.  Most of them are catching on so quickly.  The main thing that they need to practice at home is logging on to Study Island (2nd graders) and Reading Eggs (K & 1st).

This week in the lab I have introduced them to keyboarding.  There is a website on the Internet that they can use to practice at home.  It is:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/.  The program is called Dance Mat Typing.  The kids love it.

We have covered a lot of topics in the lab so far this year (parts of a computer, input/output, using Windows, using the mouse, fall, bullying, keyboarding).   Ask your child what they have been doing in the lab.  You'll be surprised at how much they know already.  The learn so quickly at this age!

Please continue to send in your Capri Suns.  All the money that we get from recycling these goes to the computer labs.

As always, please feel free to email me if you have any questions or concerns.